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What is Autism?

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Autism spectrum disorder; It progresses with a characteristic disorder in the management of social relationships.. Verbal and non-verbal communication is affected; accompanying sensory anomalies, It is a neurodevelopmental syndrome in which behavioral and cognitive problems are observed. (cognitive problems: Attention, memory, using and understanding language, learning, evaluation, problems with mental abilities such as problem solving and decision making).

Symptoms occurs in early childhood(Especially 18 by month)

  • Disorder in social communication and interaction skills
  • Repetitive and stereotypical behaviors
  • Limited functionality and range of interest


  • Disconnection from emotional contact with the social environment
  • Language development
  • Non-verbal communication skills are characteristically affected.

Mental and motor skill capacity may vary widely..

Autism, It is a very common table when its mild and atypical forms are taken into account..
severity, one of the most common mild forms in the community, It varies from mental retardation to severe forms..

  • Lack of development of mutual joint attention
  • Inability to establish eye contact for sufficient duration and quality
  • Disorder in imitation and gesture development
  • not pointing(Especially meaningful function with the index finger)
  • Not turning back when called by name is the main characteristic of early childhood..

His interest in people around him may lag behind his interest in inanimate objects, repetitive movements and interest in rotating objects are typical.
also, Postural anomalies can be observed very frequently.
Fine motor skill development is abnormal.
They often have problems with daily living skills and self-care skills (holding scissors, holding a pencil, suit up, toilet skill, bathroom etc.).

Accompanying conditions that reduce the quality of life for autism:

  • attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
  • Sensory integration problems
  • problem behaviors
  • eating problems
  • It may be accompanied by many conditions such as sleep problems..

Genetic factors are seen as one of the most important factors in autism..
